08 March 2009

Prizes in France for Camilla Läckberg

I'm happy to pass on the news that Camilla Läckberg has won two prizes so far in France for The Ice Princess — not in my translation, of course, but still: Grand prix de littérature policière & Prix polar international for La princesse des glaces from Actes Sud. Félicitations, Camilla!


  1. Sometimes life bees that way (to quote an American film).
    Good for Läckberg; her debut really deserves it I think.

  2. Aren't these French covers so cute? I really like them. I liked The Ice Princess very much, and am looking forward to reading the next, not least because of your "teasers";-)

  3. Just finished reading The Ice Princess (your excellent translation) and enjoyed it very much. Thanks for pointing me in its direction. Thanks also for the greeting on the News From Nowhere blog (it is me, Alan, who is the crime fan and not Edwin who is obsessed with his fences). My evening book at the moment is Mari Jungstedt's "Unseen" (Tiina's translation) : a wonderfully atmospheric book. Enjoy your Easter break.

  4. Hi Alan, "Something there is that does not love a fence," to paraphrase Robert Frost. Wish Edwin luck from the desert, where moisture is not a problem (except the lack of it). Glad you're reading Mari Jungstedt (in order), and Tiina says the author keeps getting better with each book. Happy Easter to you too!
