I got my advance copies of The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest from Knopf, and I have to say you'll probably be pleased with the cover. Instead of the dull gray featured online all these months, the jacket is silver foil! Yummy. A festive conclusion to the series.
Tiina Nunnally and I will be appearing and signing this book and some of our other crime translations at two Sunbelt venues in coming weeks.
First is at Barnes & Noble at Coronado Mall, Louisiana & Menaul, in Albuquerque on May 28 at 7 p.m. Tiina will be "interviewing" me.
Then on June 3 at Murder by the Book in Houston, Tiina will give her talk on translating Scandinavian crime fiction, and I'll answer questions about Stieg Larsson and the trilogy. Tiina puts on a great show, don't miss it. Festivities begin at 6:30 p.m. The store is ordering in as many of our crime translations as they can find in print, also from the UK, so collectors take note. (I had so much fun there last year with Karin Alvtegen I just had to come back to meet the great fans again and sign the last of the Millennium books.) We may also have some rare copies of Tiina's own crime novels for her to sign...
Hey Reg! New York Times just published a very flattering review of Hornet's Nest by Michiko Kakutani.
There is also a link to NYT Magazine's preview of the upcoming "The Afterlife of Steig Larsson."
Mark Maurin (m.maurin@comcast.net)
Thanks for the link, Mark! Great review.
ReplyDeleteDid you see the link to the Times Magazine's eight-page article called “The Afterlife of Stieg Larsson?” Very informative, and you made an appearance! Also just above that link is a multimedia timeline “The Life of Stieg Larsson” with quite a few photos.
Yep, I saw it, haven't read it all yet. The interviewer used one line from me from a 20-minute interview... Sums it up, I guess.
ReplyDeleteI see the Larssons did use some of their millions to rent a new office.
In Umea. And what decor! The Larsson's sparse office leaves a little to be desired, and it's symetrical to a fault Two identical desks facing eac hother - marching trash cans - matching chairs - matching cabinets.
Hey Mark, I especially love the "marching trash cans" -- maybe they use those to carry their extra cash to the bank. I thought Chip did a good job of letting them hoist themselves by their own petards: didn't come off as the kind of guys I'd like to have barbecue with. I wish they'd have showed the trophy wall with the 2 Anthony awards I got to touch briefly before Knopf sent them off to the Larsson boys...