19 June 2009

Ystad the hot destination in southern Sweden

Tiina and I were in Copenhagen last month and took the train to Malmö to buy some Swedish crime books. From the train we noticed this sign testifying to Ystad's new prominence, thanks to Wallander and Henning Mankell. (Click on the photo to blow it up.)


  1. Dear 'Reg'
    Hope you both had a good time in Scandinavia. Yes--Ystad is an easy train
    ride from Copenhagen-for Wallander fans.
    Please pass my thanks to Tiina for her
    wonderful translation of the excellent
    Mikkel Birkegaard--The Library of Shadows-
    which is just out in UK -and Ihave reviewed
    on www.amazon.co.uk--A must read.

  2. Dear Reg, Thanks for the recommendations for reading on my blog. Apart from recent monumental blog-relandscaping, I managed to order in both (after reading your comments) Karin Alvtegaen's 'Betrayal' and Mankell's novel. Currently reading the Mankell one, and loving it.
    We were in Scandinavia in '88 from a hot Indoneisan 'dry' season to a Scandinavian summer. We wore knitwear whilst the locals sunbathed! Loved our month long train tripping around Denmark, Norway and Sweden!
    I'm trying to work out why I love 'cultural crime' so much.
    Have pre-ordered the third Larsson novel through Amazon and am eagerly looking forward to reading it. Kind of like Harry Potter-fever, only (sssh, don't tell any of my ex-students) I've never read a Harry Potter...although I might one day.
    Steph ('Ms Textual'/'Ms Bubblefish'(!!)

  3. Thanks, Bathmate. We'll be heading over again next August and will try to visit Ystad this time. Want to take the official Wallander tour. I haven't been there since 1964 in the depths of winter...
